emoorefa@gmail.com / 617-966-0346 / Cambridge, MA



Elise Moore is an art consultant, advisor and fine arts dealer

with thirty years of fine arts consulting experience to both corporate and residential clients. Combining a B. A. in Art History from Wellesley College and an advanced degree from the New York School of Interior Design, Elise worked in the Paintings Department at Sotheby’s, New York and Professional Designs, Inc. (PDI), Boston as an interior designer, and Senior Vice President at Joyce Paulson Associates. Elise’s specialties include re-evaluating and updating corporate collections from a holistic, conceptual point of view, and emphasizing the creation of a distinct relationship between one’s art collection and the interior design of the host space.

Rooftop garden installation at the Museu Coleção Berardo in Lisbon, Portugal. Credit: Sydney Blaxill 

Rooftop garden installation at the Museu Coleção Berardo in Lisbon, Portugal. Credit: Sydney Blaxill